As cash started taking a back-seat to credit cards in the mid-90s, Dutch designer René Van Geer and his colleagues took a long look at the chunky traditional wallet and they all agreed: It was just too fat for the new trimmed-down slim-fit pocket-sized techno-trends of the day.
So the Secrid Bodycard was born. At its heart was a slim, easy-access aluminium card holder. In today’s range of Secrid cardholders and wallets, that same metal sleeve not only protects your cards from physical wear and tear, it acts as a strict no-go barrier against unwanted access by skimmers and scammers.
It is, indeed, the wallet for its time. And Mondopiero is pleased to offer a range of Secrid Cardprotectors, Miniwallets and Slimwallets.
Download a copy of the Secrid Catalogue 2022/ 23.
Download a copy of the Secrid Premium Collection - 2022/ 23.